learn to code twitter
This might not have anything to do with saying “learn to code.” As it says in the article: “Nevertheless, Ross was suspended by Twitter around 10:00 p.m., shortly after President Trump had retweeted one of his articles.”. Gade denied that liberal journos highlighting harassment forced them into various investigations like with Sargon. As leaders in online education and learning to code, we’re a community of 45 million and growing. Start with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, Data Science, and more. Or code. 12.18.2020 11:45 AM. Jack and Vijaya lied. Learn to code is not an instruction that any journalist will ever follow, unless they are sure (1) it came down the chain of command directly from the DNC like all their other orders, and (2) it is part of a coordinated, all-hands-on-deck effort to destroy Trump and all his supporters. Editor's Note: We invite comments and request that they be civil and on-topic. Remember that Twitter was nationalized as a town hall meeting in order to keep Trump from banning people from his private account, and that the reasoning was that people had to be able to reply to him? Twitter has yet to make money and those guys presumably know how to code. Note: Scanning a Twitter QR code will bring up the account’s profile, while scanning an external QR code will open a website or app. I really don’t want to hear your sanctimonious piffle about how it’s journalistic ethics to not identify somebody’s public Twitter account. Twitter’s system prevents restricted accounts from accessing certain functions on the platform until they remove the tweet or win the appeal process. Just because congress and the president shouldn’t get involved doesn’t mean the courts shouldn’t get involved. Thanks admin for giving such valuable information through your article . The “learn to code” meme gained popularity after masses of journalists were laid off from Left-leaning news outlets, including BuzzFeed News, The Huffington Post and Vice. I agree he did a good job*, but he himself is admittedly leftist. Please enlighten us how this mocking interpretation is wrong? It was that President Trump couldn’t block people. Yes, the Rogan podcast with Tim was excellent. 12.19.2020 8:30 AM, Jacob Sullum According to a Twitter spokesperson who was Levine’s source, such tweets would be treated as “abusive behavior.”, Twitter Restricts ‘Learn To Code’ (The Daily Caller), Twitter later walked back that claim, insisting that its policy on “learn to code” was more “nuanced.”. Vaccinating by age would save many more lives. I think this mentality (if only trolling) hinders him and he never really cuts to the quick of asking “If you’re content neutral, how are you able to ban anything that isn’t an explicit and direct threat and if you’re able to ban veiled and convoluted threats, how are you content neutral?”. Dorsey was wishing he was at Zuckerberg’s castle eating rare goat meat. At the very least, I would like to know more about how these decisions are made. Trust me. This has already been decided in court–and it has been decided that EVERYONE must be able to access Trump’s twitter feed. I’m going to give you some news right now because I haven’t said this to any press person before,” Pelosi said in a Washington Post interview published Monday. Accessibility | | Thanks for the heads up – just watched that video and he took them apart. Learn the technical skills you need for the job you want. “Twitter is responding to a targeted harassment campaign against specific individuals — a policy that’s long been against the Twitter Rules,” the social media company said in a statement. “We can’t all live next door to the Blue Oyster like you can, though.” Move. 2) It is unclear to me that arbitrarily kicking people off their platform is within the proper confines of their contractual obligations to content creators. Poole is one of the better journalists/commentators I’ve seen. Pelosi may have reverse senility- she seems to be getting less stupid. Relying on social media to connect with friends is like maintaining a friendship with a guy whom you only see at the local bar or at your house of worship. Who knew journalists were such sensitive souls and get so much sympathy from social media giants? Flappy Code - Write your own flappy game code. In what world is it cruel to tell an unemployed person or someone in a rapidly dying industry to make sure to keep their skillset up to date and marketable? Learn how to cook and open a gluten free restaurant. After an inquiry from the Caller, Twitter admitted that the tweet did not violate the rules and restored access to … Just like in the McCarthy age, plenty of organizations did stuff like this in the other direction. NEXT: Trump's Budget Would Add $7.9 Trillion to the National Debt Over the Next Decade. Don’t get hung up on ‘learn to code.’ It’s only pretext. If nothing else, I appreciate that he tries speaking honestly and admits his shortcomings. Gade and Dorsey not once could state why legitimate death threats were ignored while generalistic anti trans comments were not. Because so far as Trump’s twitter feed is concerning, Twitter IS acting as the government’s host. Who, through no fault of their own, ended up losing their jobs due to a certain administration. From the take-out we order, to the movies we stream, code is ever present in our lives. “I got the boot for a tweet saying that the folks that made the filter need to “#LearnToCode a little better.”. The best way to not get kicked off of Twitter is to not be on Twitter. Well, when Twitter bans people aren’t they interfering with people’s right to reply to Trump’s Twitter feed? Twitter thinks "learn to code" is terrible, but doxxing and threatening the lives of teenagers who wore MAGA hats while smiling was completely fine. They are right now working on Windows 12. | This hate-the-right bias has been going on for a while, I’d say for at least a decade, which is a big factor in what energized voters for Trump. At Canada Learning Code, we believe that digital skills are tools of empowerment. A Twitter spokesperson stated that the situation was “nuanced” but that telling laid-off journalists to “learn to code” could be considered “targeted harassment.” The spokesperson told Breitbart News: “It’s more nuanced than what was initially reported. I appealed it 3 times and got the “abusive” violation response. And this is not the first such contradiction: A Washington Examiner writer was similarly suspended for a learn-to-code tweet that had nothing to do with harassment. Tweeting is stupid. Comments do not represent the views of Reason.com or Reason Foundation. The Wrap’s Jon Levine reported in late January that Twitter was cracking down on people who tweeted “learn to code” at recently laid off journalists. I’m still suspended over a month later. AFAICT, I have suffered no harm from never even bothering to look at what anyone posts on Twitter; if I’m wrong, please advise me of such. The answer I believe is that’s where the journalists are, and he doesn’t have to go through their editors to poke the bear. Twitter responded only by reiterating its previous statement about targeted harassment. And yes, repeating a phrase that is already ban-able in a specific context in a context that’s close (but not quite there) is obviously ripe for being a false positive. Start working at home with Google! Changing the code is pretty self-explanatory: under #configuration, you need to fill in the corresponding keys from the Twitter tab we left open from earlier. I respect Twitter's right as a private company to set its own rules for what kinds of speech are allowed. Because as I understand it, the courts decided that Trump couldn’t block people from his Twitter feed, for reasons. Nope. So he’ll probably win on appeal. Poole did an exemplary job of taking Twitter CEO and his Community Safe Space And Social Justice Officer to task over it. They aren’t simply biased, they’re censorious. Twitter is taking on cases of "harassment" against recently fired journalists, the website confirmed to Fox News on Monday, after many users reached out to the … Think about what’s being said. Are there humans involved? The difference is that one is considered an act of government (Trump banning people) where the first amendment is applicable, and another is an act of a private company (Twitter banning people) where the first amendment does not apply. Using the human operator is supposed to alleviate the false positive, because using the computer operator definitely resulted in false positives, laughably bizarre false-positives. “And he’s just not worth it.”, “Of course, we should keep on the paths of gun control, abortion, things like that.”, That’s the problem with totalitarians – lack of focus, “Let’s see that Cortez bitch one-up this one.”. Make games, apps and art with code. Your article is much more similar to https://www.pradabagtmall.com/ word unscramble tool because it also provides a lot of knowledge of vocabulary new words with its meanings. Would they get the joke? As best I can tell, twitter only exists for two purposes beyond their primary directive of automated Stalinism and gaslighting America: so agents can manufacture buzz about their b list clients, and serve up random porn for people at work/go around blacklisted sites. Twitter’s rules prohibit “abuse,” which is defined as conduct that “harasses, intimidates, or uses fear to silence another user’s voice.” While Twitter claims it only punishes people who use “learn to code” to engage in harassment, in practice, that’s not the case. Anyone can learn computer science. Get the code and run the app Journalists told it to miners and others who lost their jobs. (Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey recently admitted that the company may have been "too aggressive" about policing this specific phrase.). I mean, I’d love utopia also, but tough shit. View tutorial . I speak freely to anyone at the local bar- even total strangers. Earlier this year, in response to layoffs at online news outlets such as Buzzfeed and The Huffington Post, Twitter users began to parrot the phrase “learn to code” as a response to the announcements. Which amounts to saying that private entities are legally able to bar people from open attendance public town hall meetings without cause or consideration. The Daily Caller’s editor in chief, Geoffrey Ingersoll, was locked out of his account last week for tweeting “learn to code” at The Daily Show account. The necessary question of course is… why does the president tweet? (RELATED: Two Conservatives Suspended From Twitter — One For Tweeting About Brussels Sprouts). You’re going to give us your one-sided account of this person’s behavior and then not let Twitter present the facts it had on file? I thought it was a snarky comment directed at journalists whose go to advice for workers in other industries hit by obsolescence was computer training. I’m also confused, since Twitter’s actions here contradict their contention that tweeting “learn to code” is only verboten in certain situations. They ask for an appeal *before they’ve told you any grounds for objection to the tweet*, then don’t respond to anything you write in your appeal. It’s by-far the best job I’ve had. I don’t keep up with the machinations of Twitter. Twitter’s restrictions on “learn to code” appear to disparately impact small, unverified, and/or anonymous accounts who have little recourse against the tech giant — something that could arguably embody Twitter, and the tech world’s censorship, in general. They danced around and kept claiming targeted harassment that came to their attention. 1) Twitter should be free to associate or not associate with anyone they please so long as their decision is within the proper confines of their contractual obligations to content creators on their platform. Their whole “appeal” process is a complete clown show. Another user’s account was restricted after he tweeted, “Learn to weld,” at conservative columnist Kurt Schlichter, who has repeatedly tweeted, “Learn to code,” himself as a joke. This was clearly a joke directed at the theoretical geologist, not the State Scoop writer. http://www.Geosalary.com, I guess it’s time to find a substitute term like “learn to tweet” for example. On Sunday afternoon, Ross sent a "learn to code" tweet that should not have been considered harassment under the above definition. "Learn to Code" is an expression used to troll journalists who were laid off from their jobs, encouraging them to learn software development as an alternate career path. After finishing this beginning Twitter tutorial, your next step will be deciding who to follow and what kind of followers you hope to attract. Thus if the government wants to bar certain people from political participation, all they need to do is carefully choose the venue. He’s a better socialist than Bernie Sanders, he’s a better libertarian than an overwhelming majority of Democrats and, while he doesn’t exactly identify as a journalist as much as a blogger, he’s a lot more forthright and honest than a lot of the “libertarians” who write for Reason. I mean, don’t ask me to make this make any sense. Someone had written a long tweet incrementally transforming one phrase into another. Twitter swiftly clarified that the phrase "learn to code" itself would not be considered harassment unless directed at specific individuals as part of a targeted campaign. Ads API: Hierarchy and terminology. | I mainly bring it up because it’s insane and shows exactly how stupid TDS and the courts are, I doubt Twitter is interested in exploring how nationalized they really are. It’s by-far the best job I’ve had. Ross quote-tweeted the statement, adding "learn to code." “I’m not for impeachment. But there’s no need for ‘if’. The company routinely takes action against such kinds of communication, whether or not they are insinuations that coding experience is a better path to financial stability than journalism. Your experience of Twitter will vary depending on how you choose to use Twitter - Including who you follow and what you tweet. And coding is fun to boot! I'm also confused, since Twitter's actions here contradict their contention that tweeting "learn to code" is only verboten in certain situations. It’s self defense. If I put up a sign saying that I’ll pay you $500 to find my lost cat, and you spend all Sunday going out and looking for my cat, I don’t get to not pay you the $500 because I put a clause at the bottom of the sign saying that I can change the terms whenever I want. His problem is that he desires socialist policies with the goal of bettering society.”, Followed by: “He admits he doesn’t know how to do this effectively and doesn’t want to do it if it severely impacts individual rights.”. | Would the ACLU Still Defend Nazis' Right To March in Skokie? Complaints will trigger it, but I suspect they also have a computer algorithm flagging likely problematic tweets (racial slurs and #LearnToCode probably get reviewed automatically). I was literally talking about coders coding. Twitter did not immediately respond to my request for comment about what happened. click here =====?? View instructions for: Maybe it’s just in comparison to her fellow travelers. This is news. (RELATED: Feminists Banned By Twitter Fires Back With Lawsuit), (RELATED: Two Conservatives Suspended From Twitter — One For Tweeting About Brussels Sprouts). Every time they would give their reasonable explanation, Tim would move on to his next example, and then they would knock that down with facts. I have appealed the same tweet 6 times and randomly got a “hateful” violation explanation in the middle of a bunch of “abusive” violation. It was cool, and funny to say that to those people, on Twitter in 2012. Pandemic chaos is driving families to flee government institutions in search of education that better suits their needs. If simply saying “learn to code” is ban-worthy, instructional sites like Coursera must be hardest hit. Decide How to Use Twitter, for Business or Personal Goals . You’re confused? This may be ironic that I am saying this, since I intensely dislike our President. Social media is for censored communication with people who sign up for the same set of rules. His problem is that he desires socialist policies with the goal of bettering society. Start with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, Data Science, and more. The phrase was widely posted on Twitter following the announcement of layoffs at BuzzFeed and The Huffington Post in … Sargon is the same way–he’s a man of the left, so long as the left doesn’t violate his classical liberal stances….which means he’s not a man of the left at all anymore. 12.17.2020 5:33 PM. Chuck Ross, a reporter at The Daily Caller, was recently suspended from Twitter after making a "learn to code" meta joke—an incident that calls into question the company's earlier claims regarding the problematic quip. I’m offended by it because it implies that “coding” is an easy skill for otherwise useless people to learn when 90% of the people spending years studying it in college can’t program their way out of a paper bag. J.D. The tweet is screenshotted here. | Pardon me if all my sympathy hath runneth out. I began this 8-months ago and immediately was bringing home at least $77 per hour. Huh. We also prohibit the glorification of violence. That said banning people for saying it is just dumb. It's interactive, fun, and you can do it with your friends. Citing numerous, anecdotal examples of people being banned for dubious reasons doesn’t make that empirical point. Vijaya Gadde and Jack Dorsey had perfectly reasonable explanations for why people like Sargon of Akkad were banned. He admits he doesn’t know how to do this effectively and doesn’t want to do it if it severely impacts individual rights. Watch the Joe Rogan podcast with Tim Poole on this. What’s the mechanism for suspension? Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6474 this – 4 weeks past. He deserves to be admonished if only for clogging up the internet repeating trite phrases. My more young kin buddy has been averaging 15k all through ongoing months and he works around 24 hours consistently. “Twitter is responding to a targeted harassment campaign against specific individuals — a policy that’s long been against the Twitter Rules,” a spokeswoman told the Caller. It’s just sound advice is what it is. The lady with the one laptop that could provide insight into those cases was sitting right there. I got the boot for a tweet saying that the folks that made the filter need to “#LearnToCode a little better.” in response to Dave Rubin talking about the #LearnToCode silliness. Stream Tweets in real-time. And if you are a ‘journalist’ who has yet to figure that out, why, you’re not among the best. Ross quote-tweeted the statement, adding "learn to code." Learn more.Abuse/harassment: You may not engage in the targeted harassment of someone, o… 12.18.2020 11:30 AM, Billy Binion “And he’s just not worth it.”. Jeff only moves if he can do so illegally. That’s fraud. A writer for State Scoop had quoted former Colorado Gov. View tutorial . 3.11.2019 5:40 PM. We have to be vigilant about this, as opposed to, say, putting catholic teenagers into woodchippers, which is really open to interpretation. Review the basics of the Twitter Ads object hierarchy as well as the relationship between these objects. I do like reading the Daily Caller, because they are very to the Right. The phrase was used to mock out-of-work journalists, who had previously offered the same snarky advice to blue collar workers whose work prospects were threatened by automation and … From this seat in the bleachers, it appears similar to the ‘Who let out the dogs?’ meme in the ’90s; something those who considered themselves the cool kids did and commented on. Tuccille We do not moderate or assume any responsibility for comments, which are owned by the readers who post them. You can say, well, that Tweet’s obviously a joke, but it doesn’t seem that way when you’re sifting through thousands of cases, trying to determine who is joking about throwing his nemeses out of helicopters and who is genuinely disturbed. >>>>>>>>>> http://www.Aprocoin.com. Twitter claimed recently that it would only punish users who tweeted the phrase “learn to code” as part of targeted harassment campaigns, but a review of account restrictions suggests otherwise. Best to keep your mind limber. (RELATED: Feminists Banned By Twitter Fires Back With Lawsuit). People are returning the favor when journalists lost their jobs. Christian Britschgi About an hour or so into the interview, he quoted some numbers to bolster his argument, but most of the interview was he-said she-said nonsense. Ross told me that a representative for the company confirmed to him that they are looking into the matter. >>>>>>>>>> http://xurl.es/BestOnline. The Daily Caller’s editor in chief, Geoffrey Ingersoll, was locked out of his account last week for tweeting “learn to code” at The Daily Show account. If that’s one of the betters, how far do the worse have to sink? 12.18.2020 5:36 PM. Yes, it’s a neighborly relationship, but you’ll never get to the level where you can speak freely to each other. The injunction was against no one else. “The best way to not get kicked off of Twitter is to not be on Twitter.” As an old fart, it’s not surprising that Twitter and I are not acquainted. Maybe I could end up working at one of those hip places with the treadmills and/or the standing desks, but that’s some big shitty life I want no part of. He was then placed under lockdown for 12 hours, during which he couldn't tweet but could read and send direct messages and browse other people's tweets. John Hickenlooper (D), a 2020 Democratic presidential candidate, as saying that a 34-year-old geologist who works for ExxonMobil should "be sharpening their other skills." Are you still confused by the “got your nose” trick and the “pull my finger” trick, too? His blind spot is more sentimental and a lack of interest in figuring out how his stated goals are out of line with his principles. If the terms of the contract are such that the terms can be changed at any time, there was no contract–and you tricked those people into investing the time, effort, and money creating content for your platform, only to pull the rug out from under them? So if I get banned from Twitter for breaking their TOS they just blocked me from posting to Trumps Twitter and courts have decided that’s a right. Not in a single example. And all it would take would be for President Trump to tweet “Learn to code.”. And if you are a ‘journalist’ who has yet to figure that out, why, you’re not among the best. Isn’t “learn to code” really just shorthand for that? Does a complaint trigger it? It is Twitter, after all. Nevertheless, Ross was suspended by Twitter around 10:00 p.m., shortly after President Trump had retweeted one of his articles. No tie on the Tucker Carlson show but instead an open collar shirt. The reason it hurts leftards is that on some very dim level they’re aware of their own incompetence, so urging them to acquire a marketable skill feels like taunting. Last Wednesday I got a brand new BMW since getting a check for $6474 this – 4 weeks past. I’d like to learn to code, but it involves sitting on your ass for 12 hours a day and that’s irksome. Unfortunately, you’re wrong. What career advice would be suitable for them? Other Twitter users sent the Caller their own examples of account restrictions and suspensions after tweeting “learn to code” at various journalists and news outlets — including conservatives who were in on the joke. The practice is plainly unconstitutional. Start working at home with Google! Managed to slide totally under the radar there, and so far, see no reason to raised my head here. I think I saw on the chyron “EYES ARE UP HERE”. Start learning today so you can skill up and stand out. Because I’m pretty sure your average second-grader can explain all three of these mysteries to you. They believe that they’re entitled to snivel at the billionaires who keep the legacy media afloat, and keep collecting paychecks for activity that can’t be described as “useful work” in any way, shape or form. From the January 2021 issue, Baylen Linnekin “I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,” Pelosi told the paper. There’s about a million things I would like to know more than Twitter’s procedures. They ironically say the tweet was meant to “silence another user’s voice.” So they silenced me, lol. learn to code " Learn to code " is something that snarky journalists used to tell to actual skilled, blue collar laborers like coal miners. “But journalists didn’t see the humor in this at all. Kick the shit out of him for ya? Several of the accounts who reached out to the Caller indicated that they attempted to appeal Twitter’s decision to restrict their accounts but had not received a response in days. Related Top Ten WORST Reactions to the Covington Catholic Teen March for Life Video. She’d lost the Speakership a couple of times before because of overreach, so she may be learning. Jacob Sullum Subtweet / subtweeting -- A subtweet refers to a tweet written about a particular person, but containing no direct mention of that person. The 4th time got a “hateful” violation response. Billy Binion Stanford University’s Udacity is one of many sites that make college courses—including Introduction … Over and over again. Those social media and tech companies absolutely positively do not want a bunch of out-of-work journalists learning to code. Based on personal experience, I suspect humans are involved. *I admit to watching most of the exchange(s) passively and it’s possible he asked what I’m suggesting and I missed it. Well, then why bring it up? Report abuses. Privacy Policy | | This is just more evidence Twitter is garbage and not worth the high you get from it for interacting with your rent-a-friends on it. Examples of webhook requests would be Stripe sending you a notification you about a new payment or IFTTT sending you a notification of a new tweet from your Twitter account. I have an alternative suggestion for unemployed journalist: Want me to drag him outta here? This diagram is a quick high level overview of how webhooks work. 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